If you are searching for cough remedies, you should try searching online for information on how to treat an acute respiratory infection. Many people have searched for such information but have only found websites that offer simple remedies. A more complete remedy would involve taking into account what causes the problem in the first place.
The most common cough remedies available on the market will include either an antihistamine-like drug. You may have seen trees and homes covered in the evergreen foliage of the ivy tree, but did you realize that the extract from the leaves of the plant has also been used in cough cures? Saponins found in the leaves of the plant can make mucus thinner, which makes it easier for you to cough it up and make breathing easier. Antibiotics can also be used to treat the infection, although these tend to cause side effects.
If you are looking for natural antibiotic, a good place to start is with tea tree oil. This oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties and can be found in many products that use it as an additive. If you are taking any sort of antihistamine, tea tree oil can be used to counter the effect of the medication, as it can reduce the histamine response.
Another common cough remedy is to drink hot water, especially if you tend to suffer from shortness of breath. Hot water is especially useful if you are suffering from chronic bronchitis or asthma. As the air moves through your lungs, the mucus and particles can be forced out through coughing or passing them through your windpipe, and when your lungs become very full, you may begin to experience a cough reflex that feels like you are trying to expel a blockage.
Adding some warm water to a cup of tea can also help clear up an inflamed throat, especially if you are feeling run down or have a cold. A cup of hot water is especially useful if you want to help alleviate sore throats. If you have had severe bronchitis, you can take a couple of spoons of hot water, a pinch of salt, a pinch of cumin seeds and mix them together and drink this mixture until it gets warm.
Some other useful natural antibiotics include garlic and ginger. These are easy to prepare and can be mixed into salads and juices as well as being useful in the preparation of food.
You can also find many types of cough suppressants, but they should not be used to treat the actual cough. Some contain ingredients that can make the symptoms worse. They may contain acetaminophen or other pain relievers. If you are looking for cough remedies that relieve the symptoms of the cough itself, look for those with all-natural ingredients that do not cause any harm.
If you are looking for prescription medications, you may want to consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Most of them come with their own set of precautions.
If you want to try a home remedy for cough remedies, remember to avoid substances that could be too irritating for your throat. These can include tobacco smoke, spicy foods and certain fruits. If you can avoid these foods, this will give you a good chance of preventing the coughing that causes symptoms.
There are herbal teas that are helpful, particularly when you are suffering from a cold or sore throat. You can either brew them yourself or buy a home remedy made from herbs. that you mix into warm water and then drink.
Lavender and tea tree oil are also popular, because they have been used by native Americans for many years. They are both excellent choices for cough relief but can be irritating to people who have respiratory problems.
There are some natural cures for coughs that work really well, even though they can seem a little scary at first. The best way to find out which ones are effective is to try some of the many available natural cures for coughs.