Underarm hair removal is no longer considered to be a major problem. Many men and women are choosing to get rid of unwanted hairs around the armpits. Natural remedies have proven to be an effective option and here are a few options.
Yogurt. Take two teaspoons of fresh curd and two tablespoons of plain unsweetened yogurt. Mix them together to form a paste. Apply this paste on the underarms and let it dry for about 20 minutes. Using this every day helps in getting rid of unwanted hair and even makes the growth of natural hair lighter.
Hair creams. There are several creams available in the market, which can be used for removing hair. You need to check which one suits you. If your skin is sensitive, then you can always choose creams made up of natural ingredients. These creams come in different strengths and can help you get rid of unwanted hairs.
Herbs. There are some herbs that can help to get rid of hair on your armpits. These herbs are commonly used as tonics and can be easily purchased over the counter at your nearest supermarket. Some of these herbs are black cohosh, henna powder, Cayenne and Rosemary.
Herbs also help you in getting rid of hair on your legs and other parts of your body. The most common herbs are Rosemary and basil that help to get rid of the hair from your legs. However, before using any of these herbs, you should consult your doctor and ask for a prescription.
Hot Wax. It is said that the hot wax is best for removing hair from your armpits. Use hot wax at least three times every week and it will definitely work wonders for your unwanted hairs. However, you should be very careful in applying it as it can lead to burning your skin and thus it should not be used for daily use.
Laser Hair Removal. Laser hair removal is another great option for removing hairs from the under your arms.
Laser hair removal is the latest breakthrough in the field of hair removal. This treatment has been proved to be very effective, and removes hairs permanently from under your arms. The treatment is very much safe and has very less risk factors.
Laser is generally used as a lightening method to remove hair on your arms. You will need to apply the laser over the area and it will make the hair follicles sensitive to heat and they will start burning. after which they will fall out.
Lasers are also a safer way to get rid of hairs. You do not need to worry about any side effects like itching and burning. in case you have any allergies or suffer from any disease that may react with the lasers. the treatment.
Electrolysis. If you want a temporary solution for removing hairs on your arms, you can also try Electrolysis.
This solution involves the use of the process of electrodesiccation. where the skin will be soaked in electrolytic solutions. The solution will cause the skin to be very dry and will cause your hair to fall out.
This permanent solution uses laser to target your hair follicles, while leaving your skin unharmed. The laser will help to remove hair from your arms and leave your skin untouched.
Electrolysis is a great way to get rid of hairs on your arms. However, if you want a permanent solution then laser treatment is recommended.
It is always better to go for a permanent solution as it is sure to work for the entire length of the hair. There is no risk involved.
In this method, the laser will work on the root level to help to get rid of hairs permanently. So if you want to avoid surgery then you should opt for a permanent solution.